This week was spent cycling around Hradcany, not for the first time and probably not for the last either. A large large part of this area is within the castle wall, in fact it is the largest castle construction in the world allegedly and dates back to the 9th century so pretty impressive. It is probably the most visited area of Prague though there are not so many places to choose from for the blog so for that reason I decided to add a list of great views that can been seen from the four corners of this district.
Before I visited Hradcany for this post I was out with one of my good friends Petr for a few Pilsner Urquells (probably the best Pilsners in Prague) at U Jelinku close to Jungmannovo square and he was telling me the story of his Father as a young man and the time that he was arrested crossing the Czech Border, strangely back into Czechoslovakia and how he found out lots of interesting things about him when he was on National Service and working at the National Archives in Prague, so imagine my excitement when I found myself standing outside the national Archive in Hradcany. I asked Petr to write me a few lines because he is a better story teller than I am and also it is his story to tell so I didn't want to do it an injustice, hopefully this article might inspire him to write something for the blog and if he does then I will attach it below.
There isn't much to say about Hradcany that can't be found in any one of a hundred books, history books or guides. I hope that in travelling around every single street in Hradcany I might of found a little secret
corner or two that you might have missed and a few bars and restaurants worth visiting, though i am sure that there are going to be a few rip offs i hope to have found you some little gems.The main thing to do when visiting this district is just to enjoy every single moment of it and don't mind the tourists
was invited for the first time to visit the Valasska Pivnice by the
manager of the Pivnice Jiri Bednar whose family also run the
Minipivovar Bon Zasova in Valasske Mezirici that produce the beer
which is sold at the Pivnice. I have passed this place a few
times but I initially thought that it was a very small space on the
ground level but on entering I found out that the small space is
under refurbishment so it is not clear what will become of it and the
pivnice is downstairs. If there is one thing that Czechs do well, or
maybe I should say Wallachians, and that is beer cellars, as the
Family's roots are firmly rooted in the Valassko region which borders
the mountainous region around Vsetin.
I was invited to visit on a
Monday evening and on arrival I was happy to see that the Pivnice was
not empty and that there were a few tables seated and enjoying the
bright cosy cellar. The majority of the tables were large tables with
a bench on either side and a few smaller tables were scattered around
in the spaces left. The Manager had written to me, in Czech I have to
tell you, and wrote that he would not be able to make our meeting and
on arrival I should introduce myself to the waitress who had been
informed that I would be visiting, and I hope given instructions that
I was a guest of his, not that I minded paying of course.
I sat down away from the bar
and close to an arch way, which from where I was sitting and the
tools on show looked like an old coal mine but later on I was to find
out that it was part of an old tunnel stretching from the Monastry
above to the castle below. They had 3 beers on offer though when I
was there they didn't have any wheat beer available, which
considering it was a Monday was not too surprising and if you add to
that, the fact that I don't particularly like wheat beer, was not
such bad news. I ordered a small light beer, not wanting to be greedy
and was pleased with the result, it was served cold and with a smile
and had an original taste, slightly sweet. As I was sipping my beer I
focussed on the other 2 tables that I could see and they were both
Czech and were both served pretty swiftly and both of them had
ordered some food off the menu. The most popular orders seemed to be
the sausage and cabbage soup and the gnocchi.
The walls were decorated
with tools and implements related to Farming and that is what the
region of Valassko is known for apart from its beautiful nature of
course and there were also a few frames which had been filled
decoratively with Czech beer labels so I had a count of the number of
beers that I had tried and not surprisingly I still have a long way to
go until I have tried them all but I have managed to get through a
fair number of them it has to be said. The waitress came back to me
and this time I ordered the dark beer which had a real sweet treacley
favour. This is the one distinct thing that differs Czech dark beers
from others, their sweetness.
During my 2nd
beer I was greeted by Jiri Bednar, the Manager of the pivnice and as
I found out the 10 apartments which are above the bar and he started
to speak to me in Czech so suddenly I was a little concerned that we
would be left sitting there in an awkward silence but with my maly
cesky and his little English, we managed I hope to discuss the bar
and their brewery and his thoughts.
The first thing that I
learnt was that his family and the brewery are from the Valassko
region of the Czech Republic and the decor of the pivnice is
decorated accordingly, as I mentioned before they are known for their
farming especially livestock and on each of the benches/chairs are draped with sheepskin pelts. The food on the menu is from Valassko
and though there are some familiar names, they are slightly
different, for example there is also a Slovak influence on the food
such as halusky and gnocchi for example and an awful lot of hard
alcohols such as the one that I ended up trying, which was a beer
brandy and although it was clear, it had a rough whisky quality to
All in all I had a really
nice time and although Jiri did recommend that I should try the pork
fat with bacon bits, I decided to go for the sausage which was
different to the typical Prague sausages, served with the
traditional accompaniments of mustard, horseradish, pickled
cucumber,pickled chillis and bread, and it was very nice. Throughout
the evening music was being played from the sound system at a
comfortable level I should also say, and as I am quite a superstitious
person so it was nice, when I heard one of my favourite songs being
played (Rod Stewart's 'I don't wanna talk about it') I knew right
then that it was going to be a great evening. I finished off the
evening with a rezane beer and a Beer Brandy and this was my
favourite beer of the night. I was also happy that I was able to talk
to Jiri and between his English and my Czech I was able to get an
idea of the family Bednar and their passion of good traditional food
and drink. I was also surprised that the brewery is fairly new, about
10 years old and apart from the 3 beers that they produce, they do
bring out specialist beers for celebrations and Christmas. The
Pivnice is in the main tourist hub and it was nice to see reasonably
priced food and beer. A large beer was only 29czk which was made in
their brewery in Valassko and delivered to Prague. I would definetely
go there again with friends. It is a great place to go to get your
night off to a good start.
Restaurants, cafes & bars
Kafe u Zelenych Kamen

Valasska Pivnice

Host restaurant

Mash Hana - Japanese
Cafe Pointa
Lvi Dvur
Velka Klasterni Restaurace
Maly Buddha
A divadlo pokracuje...
U Labuti
Places of interest
Josef Sudek's Gallery

Svet Zdravi - alternative diets
Space 4 Kids - furniture for kids
Divadlo Ungelt - theatre
Museum of miniatures
Antique music instruments
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