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Hello again, so yet again I am traipsing around Vinohrady. It just never ends does it, well not until next week anyway. Admittedly I did my walk around this part of Vinohrady 2 weeks ago, because last week I had to go to the UK to go to my nan's funeral so when I wandered around the streets I had to drag my 2 children around, so that meant taking photos of everything, trust me I mean everything. As a special treat I will also include some of these photos in this posting.
Apart from what I have told you about Vinohrady the streets that we were walking up and down started in Vinohrady and finished in Zizkov but for the sake of this posting I have just labelled it under Vinohrady, so I hope that you don't mind.
I had my children with me for this pilgrimage and David my eldest wanted to hold the map, take the photos and ride his scooter all at the same time so it was a real challenge but we managed to get to all of the streets that we had planned to, so just for that reason I am satisfied though sadly we weren't able to sit down and sample the delights of some of the restaurants in this area, though I promise to add a couple of reviews sooner rather than later.
Review no. 1 coming soon
Bila vrana
Review no. 2 coming soon
Other places of interest
Highland restaurant Big Daddy's Garage
Lucemburska 1832/38
Cafe Chef Millème Boulangerie Pâtisserie Café
Ondrickova 20 Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad 4
Farmers' products Pescheria Adriatico ul. Borivojova 11
French wines and champagnes Hand painted fashion
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