ZIZKOV - the final chapter

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I was supposed to put an introducing picture of Zizkov here to motivate the author to writing and couldn't find any of a naked lady so the one of a beautiful view David came across last Sunday will have to do. Now only give me a minute to wake him up...

Good morning, well my SVG wasn't able to wake me up from my slumber but now I feel refreshed and ready to tell you about the final chapter of Zizkov. The reason that I fell asleep was mainly due to the fact that we had been working on setting up a facebook page. The idea is that while doing the blog we basically took photos of most of the business that we passed and then later sifted through them and chose a few for the blog so we didn't want to waste the vast wealth of information we had and that was when I thought about using them for the more socially applied network that Facebook offers and set up a page where everyone could add comments to the photos or just read other peoples opinions about interesting places that they have visited even go as far as arranging events and inviting people along to them. The Facebook page is called livincity-prague: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Livincity-Prague/154194704643103. Go along and become a friend, and contribute to the page. The first area that we completed with information such as the name, street and website was Vinohrady and later will we add a link from google maps so that you can find it. In the future we will add brief comments from the blog of places that we have visited and give it a general thumbs up/down. We encourage you all to do the same to help the site and even link with other people whose comments you like, that way we hope that the hard work will have been worth it. If you have any problems you can leave a comment here or send me a message on skype, my name is wiggypier or you can email me at wiggypier@yahoo.com.

The final part of Zizkov was along Konenova up towards Spojovaci and there was such a contrast in the area we covered, from the bustling hub at Konenova and Zelivskeho to the quiet green nature that you can see in the profile photo at the top overlooking our neighborhood of Vysocany and Liben. I remember the area very well because 8 years ago I used to drive my then wife to a small swimming pool that was attached to a middle school and she used to go swimming when she was pregnant with my oldest David, and I never thought much about the area apart from the fact that it was dirty and depressing, but little did I know that 100 metres from where I waited in the car was a huge campsite and a large area frequented by walkers and cyclist alike.
This part of Zizkov was the largest in terms of area covered but a lot of it is residential so it is not as dense with businesses as part 1 and 2, but if you are looking for a nice house with a natural park on your doorstep, it is perfect.

Review no. 1

The first place we stopped at was technically in Zizkov part 2, but before we started part 3 there were a few scraggly ends that we had to mop up from the previous jaunt in this area, which took us a lot longer than we anticipated, so to quence my thirst and my SVG's hunger we went to a cafe/bar/tea room, yes that is correct and even more interesting was that the business was visibly divided by the nature of the furniture and the colour scheme into 3 distinctive areas. The tearoom part had cushions on the floor with low tables and the bar had a tv on the wall, well go and look for yourself, but what we did find was a very limited menu so we wouldn't reccomend going there if you were hungry but it was very cheap and the lady was extremely welcoming and, yes another 'and' was the smell in the toilets, my SVG was very impressed and thought that it deserved a special mention. I had a nakladany hermelin because that is what I use as my bench mark and it has to be the spiciest one that I have tasted so far and distinctively mature in flavour. I couldn't put my finger on it but it was rather like the flavour of a blue cheese and not mild as you would expect but really nice. My SVG had a toasted cheese sandwich which was not on the menu but the lady was kind enough to offer it anyway. The price also deserves a mention because 2 drinks on top of the food and the total was 109czk, we think that she must have made a mistake so we repeated the total back to her and she confirmed it again, so cheap and cheerful and very colourful and diverse.

                              Kostnicke nam. 3

Review no. 2

The final stop was a very nice surprise as well as a coincidence, because we had just come back from visiting SVG's parents in Poland and her mother had left also on a trip to Armenia to help set up an institute for the blind so it was just amazing after refusing to stop at a pizzeria on Konenova, because they served Krusovice to find out the tip of the street a very well hidden Armenian restaurant which is very small inside but in the spring and summer has a spacious suburban open garden area out the back and it is relatively sheltered from the busy junction and the midday sun.
My SVG as you can imagine was very excited, women generally more than men love coincedence so it had to be a sign for her that her mother is thinking about us, well well. The cuisine from what I saw, because I am not too well informed about Armenian cuisine is typically middle Eastern, so spicy lamb and chicken, kebabs, salads, dips and lots of strange dairy type drinks like lassi but in Armenian cuisine is called tan and tastes a bit like cottage cheese.
My SVG had labuchas which is a brothy kidney bean soup to start and this was accompanied by smbuk which is grilled nicely spiced eggplant with pita bread and freshly made paneer (soft cheese). I had a pork kebab made from the loin and had a middle eastern spice served with unleavened bread and freshly grated carrots and beetroot.
We were very pleased with the food, service and a glimpse of the Armenian chef who obviously made the food to order, so though it did take a little bit longer, which we didn't mind, it was worth it and we will go there again, now that we know that it exists and we strongly recommend it to all of you, give it a go.

                                              NOY restaurant
